
Parents: Would you like to order an additional T-shirt for Matilda? (required by 10/21)

Parents:  If you would like to order an additional T-shirt for Matilda,  they are $15 cash/check payable to TCHS Theatre due to the DropBox in FA118 by Thurs,10/21.  Please include size & student’s name. Remember that all company members receive a T-shirt with their production fee. 

Amanda Brundrett | Theatre Director Fine Arts Department ChairTimber Creek High School, x 2471

Parents: Would you like to order an additional T-shirt for Matilda? (required by 10/21) Read More »

Booster Club announces nominees for 2021-22 Booster Club Board positions

The following people have been nominated to fill board positions in the 2021-22 school year:

Jen Norton - President
Wendy Hyatt - Vice President
Skye Hasan - Treasurer
Brandy Clegg - Secretary
Amber Gaskill - Parliamentarian

Board positions will be finalized at the upcoming Booster Club Meeting on 5/18/2021.

Booster Club announces nominees for 2021-22 Booster Club Board positions Read More »