
Big Fish garners multiple Kelley nominations

The 2019-20 Fall Musical, Big Fish, garnered multiple Kelley Award nominations (see below)

Big Fish Ensemble

Best Ensemble

Kady Waldman as Josephine

Best Actress in a Featured Role

Lucas Bradanini as Amos

Zachary Feuling as Zachy Price

Best Actor in a Featured Role

Hannah Freedman as The Witch

Sydnee Jones as Jenny

Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Ethan Hyatt as Will
Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Montserrat Luna as Sandra
Best Actress in a Leading Role

Nathaniel Hicks as Edward 
Best Actor in a Leading Role

Hailey Anders, Jordyn English, Madison

Hunt, Delaney Ross, Liah Severino and

Alexandria Quintana

Best Choreography 

Dee Lepine

Excellence in Marketing & Front of the House

Faith Staskus
Excellence in Sound Design

Michael Plumlee & Georgiann Bowen

Excellence in Scenic Design

Keegan Moore & Abigail Barlow

Excellence in Lighting & Projections

Madison Wooten

Best Crew & Technical Execution


Zachary Elms & Lance Morse

Best Technical Direction 

Amanda Brundrett & Craig Robertson
Best Direction

Clara Israel

Excellence in Props

Joseph Saucedo

Excellence in costuming

Trinity Thomas
Excellence in Hair & Makeup

Connor Beebe

Excellence in Scenery

Be The Hero

​Red, White and True

Best Musical Number

Steven Evans 

Best Musical Direction

Montserrat Luna as Sandra

Triple Threat Award 

Big Fish
Best Musical

Big Fish garners multiple Kelley nominations Read More »

Addams Family garners multiple Kelley nominations

The 2018-19 Fall Musical, Addams Family, garnered multiple Kelley Award nominations (see below)

The Addams Family Ensemble

Best Ensemble

Bailey Collier as Grandma

Best Actress in a Minor Role

Nathaniel Hicks as Lurch

Zachary Feuling as Pugsley

Best Actor in a Minor Role

Hailey Anders as Alice

Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Jesse Champion as Fester

Brian Vasquez as Lucas
Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Floriana Azemi as Morticia

Jordan Davis as Wednesday
Best Actress in a Leading Role

Braeden De La Garcia as Gomez
Best Actor in a Leading Role

Mckinlee Shaw & Kaitlyn Dellow

Excellence in Marketing & Front of the House

Logan Williams
Excellence in Sound Design

Michael Plumlee & Georgiann Bowen

Excellence in Scenic Design

Keegan Moore

Excellence in Lighting & Projections

Reagan White

Best Crew & Technical Execution

Zachary Elms

Best Technical Direction 

Amanda Brundrett
Best Direction

David Percival & Kaitlyn Dellow

Excellence in Property Design

Maycee Cheek
Excellence in Hair & Makeup

When You’re an Addams

Best Musical Number

Steven Evans & Adrian Kirtley

Best Musical Direction

Jordan Davis

Triple Threat Award 

The Addams Family
Best Orchestra

The Addams Family
Best Musical

Addams Family garners multiple Kelley nominations Read More »

Music Man garners multiple Kelley nominations

The 2017-18 Fall Musical, Music Man, garnered multiple Kelley Award nominations (see below)

The Music Man Ensemble

Best Ensemble

Hailey Anders as Zaneeta Shinn

Bailey Collier as Mrs. Paroo

Best Actress in a Minor Role

Jackson Barrett as Olin Britt/Conductor

Aaron Lancaster as Charlie Cowell

Best Actor in a Minor Role

Megan McCormack as Eulalie MacKecknie Shinn

Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Jesse Champion as Marcelious Washburn

Aaron Frye as Mayor Shinn
Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Floriana Azemi as Marian Paroo
Best Actress in a Leading Role

Nathaniel Hicks as Harold Hill
Best Actor in a Leading Role

Tyler Patterson

Excellence in Marketing & Front of the House

Brandon Hearrell
Excellence in Sound Design

CJ Clark & Carrie Schneckloth
Excellence in Costuming

Jack Gray

Excellence in Scenic Design

Trisitea Shugert & Logan Williams

Excellence in Lighting & Projections

Raegan White, Madison Wooten

& McKinlee Shaw

Best Crew & Technical Execution


Lance Morse, Blake Wilson

& Paul Raska

Best Technical Direction 

Amanda Brundrett
Best Direction

Michael Plumlee

Excellence in Property Design

Maycee Cheek
Excellence in Hair & Makeup

Sarah Scherger

Excellence in Choreography

“Ya Got Trouble”

Best Musical Number

Steven Evans

Best Musical Direction

Hailey Anders as Zaneeta Shinn

Triple Threat Award for

Excellence in Acting, Singing & Dancing

The Music Man
Best Orchestra

The Music Man
Best Musical

Music Man garners multiple Kelley nominations Read More »