NOTE: Everyone is welcome to volunteer, however volunteers for the “committees” listed below must be a current booster member.

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2024-25 Booster Club Board Member - Expression of Interest


Signing up for one of the Executive Board Offices listed indicates that you would be interested in serving in that capacity for the 2024-25 school year. Positions will be voted on in the May 2024 Booster Club Meeting.

President Candidate

-Presides over all meeting of the Executive Board and Booster Club
-Be an ex-officio of all committees except nomination committee
-Perform all duties prescribed in the bylaws or assigned to them by the Executive Board
-Be a member of the Audit Committee
-Have signature authority on booster club bank account

Available Spots
Junior President Candidate

-Act as an aide to the President
-Provide support to and as requested by the President
-Perform other duties as may be delegated by the President

Available Spots
Vice President of Fundraising Candidate

-Act as Fundraising Chairman (Membership, Blitz, CFA/DD, etc.)
-Act as aide to President
-Perform duties of President in his/her absence
-Can have signature authority on bank account

Available Spots
Vice President of Communications Candidate

-Act as Communications Chairperson (social media, newsletters, website, etc.)
-Act as aide to the President
-Perform the duties of the President, VP-Fundraising, VP-Special Projects in his/her absence.
-Can have signature authority on the bank account

Available Spots
Vice President of Special Projects Candidate

-Act as Special Projects Chairperson (Front of House, Banquet, etc.)
-Act as aide to the President
-Perform the duties of the President and VP-Fundraising in his/her absence.
-Can have signature authority on the bank account.

Available Spots
Secretary Candidate

-Keep accurate record of all meetings of the booster club and submit minutes of meetings every
-Keep a current copy of the bylaws, treasurer's report, and membership list
-Perform duties as assigned

Available Spots
Treasurer Candidate

-Have custody of all funds of booster club
-Keep accurate accounts and bank records
-Present a statement of account at meetings of the Association and at other times when requested
-Pay out club funds as authorized by President, Board and Theatre Directors
-Have signature authority on bank account

Available Spots
Junior Treasurer Candidate

-Have custody of all funds of booster club, as applicable
-Provide support to and as requested by the Treasurer
-Can have signature authority on the bank account

Available Spots
Parlimentarian/Historian Candidate

-Attend all meetings of the booster club and Executive Board and advise on matters of
procedure when requested
-Attend all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board to advise on matters of parlimentary procedure
-Enforce rules contained in the current edition of the bylaws.
-Compile and keep a record of events and activities to be presented as the official history of Falcon Theatre.

Available Spots

DateEvent (Click on link to volunteer)
Other Volunteer Needs