The TCHS Theatre Booster Club is thrilled to be able to award camp scholarships to deserving theatre students. Read below for background information, eligibility requirements, and award criteria.
Camp Scholarships
Background Information
- Scholarship will be awarded regardless of age, sex, race, color, creed, or religious association.
- Only one camp scholarship per applicant per year can be awarded.
- The number of scholarships and final amounts awarded will be dependent on our booster club budget.Â
- Scholarships are available to be used for acting, dance, voice, and/or any technical camp that will strengthen and enhance Falcon Theatre.
- Depending on camp selection, camp tuition costs may be greater than the awarded scholarship. Any cost above the scholarship amount will be the responsibility of the student.
- Scholarship funds are paid directly to the camp and must be used during the summer holiday period before the start of the next school year. Â
- All information provided to the TCHS Theatre Boosters, the Scholarship Committee and to the Selection Panel shall be considered private and confidential and for use only by the committee during the scholarship selection process.Â
- All decisions made by the Scholarship Committee shall be considered final.
Camp Scholarships
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicant must be a current Timber Creek High School freshman, sophomore, or junior, enrolled in at least one theatre class
- Applicant or their family must be a paid TCHS Theatre Booster Member to be considered for a scholarship.Â
- Membership dues must be paid on or before March 1, 2025.
- Applicants must complete an application form along with three short answer word essays.
Camp Scholarships
Award Criteria
- All camp applications will be reviewed by a selection panel of judges
- Applications will be scored based on a weighted scale with each panel member awarding points in each area of the application and for the essays. Points are awarded for participation in* and support of* the performing arts as well as the essays. The scores from each judge will be averaged together.
- The Theatre Directors will score each applicant against the program’s “Tower Traits” (Dedication, Amity, Service, and Vision) and Leadership.
- These scores will be added together to produce the applicant’s final score.
- The scores will determine the award category for each applicant.
Participation in includes auditions (whether or not the applicant got a role)
Support of includes not only all crew and front of house positions, but also any and all volunteer and support to the theatre productions and to the theatre department, whether or not credited. As such, it is in the applicant’s best interest and important to list any and all items relating to performing arts including auditions and volunteer support.
Scholarship – In the News
Upcoming Performance: “The Crucible”
Click Here to Purchase Tickets for “Crucible”
Feed the Students: “Mamma Mia!” Company Meal Signup
Sign up For “Mamma Mia!” Company Meals
Upcoming Performance: “Mamma Mia!”
Click Here to Purchase Tickets for “Mamma Mia!” Artwork by…
Feed the Students: “Oresteia” Company Meal Signup
Sign up For “Oresteia” Company Meals
Feed the Students: “The Beaux Stratagem” Company Meal Signup
Sign up For “The Beaux Stratagem” Company Meals
Scholarship applications open **NOW** – April 2nd!

Students have the opportunity to apply for scholarships now through April 2nd (1159pm).
To view information on Camp Scholarships for underclassmen and to apply, click this link – CAMP SCHOLARSHIP LINK.
To view information on College Scholarships for seniors and to apply, click this link COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP LINK.
2020 Camp Scholarship Award Winners
The TCHS Theater Boosters awarded $13,000 in scholarships, to Seniors for College and underclassman for Camp. The scholarships were awarded to students for demonstrating outstanding involvement in the Timber Creek Theater Department, excellence in theater achievement, and promise in future thespian efforts.
These scholarships are 100% funded by the TCHS Theater Booster’s Club through membership, concessions and fundraising activities!
Congratulations to all 2020 TCHS Theater Boosters Camp Scholarship Award Winners!Â
Adella Ott, Bella Hasan, Brody Gaskill, Delaney Ross, Emma Norton, Ethan Hyatt, Kady Waldmann, Korey Sayre, Phoebe Lowe, Sophia Zamora
2020 College Scholarship Award Winners
The TCHS Theater Boosters awarded $13,000 in scholarships, to Seniors for College and underclassman for Camp. The scholarships were awarded to students for demonstrating outstanding involvement in the Timber Creek Theater Department, excellence in theater achievement, and promise in future thespian efforts.
These scholarships are 100% funded by the TCHS Theater Booster’s Club through membership, concessions and fundraising activities!
Congratulations to all 2020 TCHS Theater Boosters College Scholarship Award Winners!Â
Autumn Sanders, Brennan Wright, Emmie Ambrose, Hailey Anders, Lucas Bradanini, Montse Luna, Nathaniel Hicks, Sydnee Jones
Hailey Anders earns $1000 scholarship at Texas Thespian Convention
Congratulations to Hailey Anders for earning a $1,000 Scholarship at the Texas Thespian Convention!
2019 College Scholarship Award Winners

2018 Camp Scholarship Winners

Above Front L-R: Amanda Lastorino, Bailey Collier, Karen Sager, Floriana Azemi

2017 – Camp Scholarship Award Winners

Front L-R: Karen Sager, Jaden Slaughter, Rachel Scherer, Floriana Azemi,Maddie Ott, Jesse Champion
2016 – College Scholarship Award Winners