Read below for information regarding “how to accept” a Falcon Theatre Booster Club College scholarship if awarded.
Steps required to accept your college scholarship awarded by the Falcon Theatre Booster Club
- Email the booster club at tchstheatreboosters.web@gmail.com before 7:00pm Thursday, May 23rd, and confirm that you accept the award and will be attending an eligible school or college. Eligible schools include performing arts schools, community colleges, junior colleges, or technical/trade schools.
- Once you have received a bill from the university or college, send another email to tchstheatreboosters.web@gmail.com and indicate where the scholarship needs to be sent. The Booster Club treasurer will be sending the scholarship directly to the school.
If the award is not accepted by 7:00pm Thursday, May 23rd, the funds will be returned to the Falcon Theatre Booster Club.